5 Pitfalls That Keep You Trapped In Your Business


In this episode of The Business Coach, we explore the 5 pitfalls that may be keeping you trapped in your business. Discover practical strategies and insights to help you break free and achieve success.

Don’t miss out on this valuable advice from industry experts.

Video Transcript

0:02 – but those functional responsibilities are going to be there how do I hire more capacity you’d still be making the same
0:07 – money and have openings now how do I improve process flow 20 to 25% were
0:12 – these much more profitable four five times more Revenue all these are things that have us think about the business
0:18 – differently like if I’m not doing the business which I really enjoy who am I without the business now we Mastermind
0:24 – presents the business coach podcast answering your questions and providing real actionable insights for building a
0:32 – better stronger more profitable Business Without sacrificing your time life or
0:37 – Freedom
0:45 – anymore well welcome to this episode of the business coach today I want to talk about what is it that keeps business
0:52 – owners trapped specifically I want to be talking in here today about um what I consider to be the five pitfalls that
0:58 – keep you or any business owner trapped in your business really I want you to leave here today understanding the root
1:05 – causes of what is owner Reliance in a business so that you can avoid or sidestep these um five pitfalls and you
1:11 – can be much much better faster to grow your company to become an owner independent level three company a
1:17 – company that really is ready for whatever that next stage or step is for an exit sell it own it passively or
1:24 – continue to scale to take it to a magnitude larger so as we go through it today um I want to give a quick overview
1:30 – what are these five pitfalls I’m going to go into detail what each of these pitfalls are and I’ll give you examples case studies

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